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 About Hip Replacement Surgery

X-ray of a Hip

People usually have hip replacement surgery because their joints have been damaged by arthritis. Hip replacement surgery is when a surgeon removes all or part of the hip joint and puts in a new artificial joint, or prosthesis. The clinical term for this surgery is “arthroplasty.”

There are several types of hip replacement surgery. Your surgeon will tell you which type you need. The types are:

Arthroplasty or total hip replacement is when the ball of the hip joint is replaced and the socket is resurfaced. The damaged ball portion of the hip (femoral head) is removed. A new ball and stem is put into the thigh bone. As well, a new hip lining is placed into the worn out socket of the pelvis. 

Hemiarthroplasty Only part of the hip joint is replaced. The operation is similar to a total hip replacement, but it involves replacing only the ball portion of the hip joint, not the socket portion. This type of operation is often used to treat a fractured hip.

Hip resurfacing – Only the damaged surfaces of the hip joint are replaced. A new hip lining is placed in the worn out socket of the pelvis. The ball portion (femoral head) is not removed. A cap is put on the femoral head. Hip resurfacing is primarily done on a younger person who is more active. This gives the patient the choice to have a total hip replacement later in life.

Hip revision Sometimes, the parts used to replace the hip need to be replaced with new ones. People who have had a hip replacement may need another surgery because:

  • The joint has dislocated
  • The joint is loose or worn out
  • There is bone loss or an infection in the joint

Hip revision surgery can be more complex, and you may need more rehabilitation after surgery. As well, you may not be able to carry as much weight on your new joint while you are recovering.

What is my new hip made of?

Your new hip joint (prosthesis) is made of metal or ceramic, and plastic. These new parts make the hip joint smooth again, to eliminate pain and restore your joint movement.

How is my new hip attached?

There are different ways that the surgeon will attach your new hip. The surgeon may use cement, a non-cemented type of substance or a combination of these.

Cemented - Artificial joints are attached to the existing bone with a special cement.

Non-cemented - A special coating is used that helps the existing bone to stick to the new (artificial) joint. Over time, the body produces new bone tissue that grows into the tiny spaces in the coating, helping the joint to become firmly attached.

Hybrid - A combination of the two types is used. The stem of the artificial joint is cemented into place. The socket is not cemented. It is covered with a special coating that allows the existing bone to stick to the new (artificial) joint. Over time, the body produces new bone tissue that grows into the tiny spaces in the coating, helping the joint to become firmly attached. In some cases, screws may be used for added stability.

The decision about whether to use cemented, non-cemented, or a combination of the two is usually made by the surgeon based on your age, the condition of your bones, and your lifestyle.

Why do I need a hip replacement?

Hip replacement surgery is usually considered when your pain becomes so severe that it interferes with your daily living and ability to do simple activities such as walking, climbing stairs and get up from a sitting position.

Replacing a painful, arthritic joint with an artificial joint will give your hip a new smooth surface that will move more freely, and stop your bones from rubbing against each other. The goal is to allow you to return to doing, and enjoying, the activities of your normal daily life.

The key benefits of having a hip replacement are to:

  • lessen your pain
  • improve your ability to do activities
  • improve your hip's stability

Replacing a painful, arthritic joint with an artificial joint will give your hip a new smooth surface that will move more freely, and stop your bones from rubbing against each other. The goal is to allow you to return to doing, and enjoying, the activities of your normal daily life.